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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Your Vietnamese progress starts now! Take the VietnamesePod101 Challenge!

Welcome Back Listener! It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2012... Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2013 resolutions. Now that the New Year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is... “How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Vietnamese progress?” One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW. Two: Create a measurable and attainable Vietnamese goal. (Master new 100 words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Vietnamese lessons a week, hold Vietnamese a conversation for 5 minutes, etc.) Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.) It’s as easy as that! So this 2013,... Show more

Grab A Sneak Peek At The Vietnamese Lesson Schedule for 2013

Rise and shine, listener! You’re in a new year and you've made your Vietnamese resolution! Just one last thing left to do: start speaking some Vietnamese with VietnamesePod101. Whether you’re just starting out light with the basics, or going heavy...you’re about to add some serious Vietnamese muscle this year. You’ll go from simple phrases to dominating conversations in Vietnamese. Why? We’re guiding you every step of the way, that’s why! And we've made it our New Year’s resolution to go heavy too. We’re pushing out all new series – all new lessons to get you learning the Vietnamese language and culture inside-out with native speakers. Stay tuned because the first lessons start publishing on January 7, 2013! Here’s a sneak... Show more

Explore the World in Vietnamese with the Visual Dictionary iBook from InnovativeLanguage.com

Hey there Listener! Here’s a thought: The world around you needs to have little Vietnamese labels. Anything you see, you’d know its Vietnamese meaning immediately. Office building? Check. Train station and everything inside? Check. The items in your kitchen? Check. Learning Vietnamese would take half the time! With InnovativeLanguage.com’s Visual Dictionary Vietnamese iBook, you can do just that. This Visual Dictionary is the first of its kind. Even iTunes has noticed! Learn by Exploring the World in Vietnamese! Just tap and zoom through 26 different everyday scenarios. You see the word in its real-world context, read it and hear its pronunciation. From the city streets, to train stations, and right down to... Show more