Vocabulary (Review)

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Xin chào các bạn. Tôi là Ling. Rất vui được gặp lại. Hello, everyone! This is Linh and welcome back. Our topic today is going to be 10 phrases for surviving back to school. Let’s see what we’ve got!
1. ba lô “backpack”
Okay, everybody likes a new backpack for the first day of school and if you just had the new one, you can say to your Vietnamese friend like - Mẹ vừa mua một chiếc ba-lô mới cho tôi. “My mom has just bought me a new backpack.”
Or you can say to your friends when you are about to go to travel - Đừng quên mang ba lô cho chuyến đi, mình sẽ cần dùng đến nó. “Don't forget to bring the backpack for the trip, we will need it.”
2. bạn cùng lớp “classmate”
Okay, it’s good to go back to school after summer vacation. You will meet your classmates again and some of them are your close friends, some of them are not, but the good thing is you have a lot of friends to share the whole year together.
So, in Vietnamese, you can say - Họ là bạn cùng lớp. “They are classmates.”
Or, in another example - Tôi nóng lòng chờ đến ngày họp lớp để gặp lại các bạn cùng lớp. “I'm looking forward to the class meeting to see my classmates again.”
3. bài tập về nhà “homework”
To be honest, I’ve never done homework before when I was a student. I don’t know why, I just don’t like it. That’s why it’s awesome to hear the teacher saying that - Hôm nay không có bài tập về nhà. “There is no homework today.”
Or, if I have homework, I will say to my classmate - Cậu đã làm xong bài tập về nhà chưa, tớ có thể xem được không? “Have you finished your homework, can I see?”
4. bài thi “exam”
Okay, in Vietnamese, bài thi is “exam”, kỳ thi is “examination”, or kiểm tra is “test”. But, we have a lot of tests, such as 5-minute test, 15-minute test or 45-minute test, but the most important thing is the exam or the final examination.
So, in Vietnamese, you can say - Chúng tôi phải ôn tập để chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi. “We need to review in order to prepare for the examination.”
Or you can say - Những ngày tháng trước kỳ thi là giai đoạn khủng hoảng nhất của đời học sinh. “The days before the exam are the most terrible period of student's life.”
5. trường học “school”
So, talking about 10 phrases for surviving back to school, of course we have to talk about school, trường học. In Vietnamese language, you can use trường học for elementary school, secondary school, high school, or even university in general. But actually, if you want to talk about specific school, then you can use the full name of the school, but normally, trường học is “school”.
So, for example - Trường học của tôi ở gần nhà. “My school is very near my house.”
6. học “study”
Học “to study”. Let me tell you something, in Vietnamese, you don’t have to conjugate the verb. If you want to say somebody doing something, then you can just simply put; first, pronoun; second, verb; third, something.
So for example - Tôi thích học toán. “I like studying math.”
Tôi học tiếng Anh. “I study English.”
Học tiếng Việt tại Vietnamesepod101.com là kế hoạch của tôi hè này. “Studying Vietnamese at VietnamesePod101.com is my plan this summer.”
7. Đó là ngày đầu tiên của lớp học. “It's the first day of class.”
Okay, when you translate this one to English, you will see a bit different, ngày đầu tiên. Ngày is “day” and đầu tiên is “first”. It’s the difference between Vietnamese and English. In English, the noun goes after, right, and the adjective goes first. For example, first day, but in Vietnamese, the noun go first and the adjective goes after, ngày đầu tiên. So, just remember, the opposite to English, noun + adjective.
For example - ngày đầu tiên đi học is “the first day of school”, ngày đầu tiên đến lớp is “the first day of class”.
8. Chúng tôi ở trong cùng một lớp học! “We're in the same class!”
So, actually, chúng tôi ở trong cùng một lớp học and chúng tôi học cùng lớp are similar, so you can use both for, “We are in the same class.”
In a sentence - Bạn trai tôi và tôi đã biết nhau được 10 năm, chúng tôi học cùng lớp. “My boyfriend and I have known each other for 10 years, we were in the same class.”
Okay, one more thing, in Vietnamese, you don’t have to put the verb in past tense or future tense, because, based on what you have said a while ago, we already know what tense the next information is. For example, you already mentioned, “we’ve known each other for 10 years”, that means it happened in the past, right? That’s why, the next information is, “we were in the same class”. You just have to say - Chúng tôi học cùng lớp. You don’t need to say - chúng tôi đã học cùng lớp, because we know it happened.
9. Bạn đăng ký những lớp học nào? “What classes are you taking?”
Okay, so this one in Vietnamese, sometimes, when you are talking about nouns in plural, then you can just put the word những before the noun. For example - những ngôi nhà “houses, những đứa trẻ “kids”, or những lớp học “classes”. So, instead of putting S or ES in the ending like in English or, sometimes, you have to transform from child to children, then in Vietnamese, you can just put những before the noun. Remember, every noun is fine, so, Bạn đăng ký những lớp học nào? “What classes are you taking?”
10. Bạn đã hoàn thành bài tập về nhà chưa? “Did you finish your homework?”
Okay, next one is Bạn đã hoàn thành bài tập về nhà chưa? “Did you finish your homework?” or in the shorter way, Bạn đã làm bài tập về nhà chưa? “Have you done your homework?” So, if you have homework, then the first thing that you would say immediately after you get to class the next day is, Bạn đã làm bài tập về nhà chưa? Or before the day, you can ask - Ngày mai cô giáo kiểm tra đấy, bạn đã làm bài tập về nhà chưa? “Teacher will check tomorrow, did you finish your homework?
Okay, we just had 10 phrases for surviving back to school and I hope it’s useful. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for the next topic or any topic you like, please let me know in the comments below. I’m Linh and thank you so much for watching the video and see you!

