Lesson Transcript

A, Ă, E, Ê... It's so confusing, right?
But don't worry, today I'm gonna show you how to pronounce Vietnamese vowels properly.
Hello, my name is Linh and welcome back to VietnamesePod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Vietnamese.
Now let's get started.
In general, the normal tone in Vietnamese is a little bit higher than the general tone in English.
So instead of saying like A, B, C in Vietnamese, usually we pronounce like A, B, C.
Now let's take a look and see how we pronounce them.
Number one I like to introduce is the letter A. So in Vietnamese we have three A's.
You pronounce A, A, Ă, Ă, , okay? A, Ă.
So I think that you can see in general the way to pronounce the vowels correctly is about the shape of your mouth.
So you actually don't have to use the movement of your lips and your tongue, but it's just the movement of the shape of your mouth.
Like that.
Now let's take a look at some examples. Xa, Xa, Ma, M, Ba, Ba
Now how about letter Ă? Ăn, Ăn.
In Vietnamese we don't spell the letters separately, but instead we spell them together.
For example, Ă- n- Ăn. Ă- n- Ăn, okay?
So we don't say it like A, N, but we pronounce Ă- n- Ăn.
Măng, Măng.
Ă-ng-ăng, m-ăng-măng.
MĂNG. Xăng, Xăng, Xăng.
Vâng, vâng, vâng. Nâng, nâng, nâng.
Good. Now, let's see what happens with the letter E.
So, in Vietnamese, we pronounce E,E,E and the second letter E is Ê, Ê, Ê okay?
Now, let's take a look at the examples: Xe, xe, xe.
Xe is transportation in general. Next one, Mẹ, mẹ, mẹ is mom, right?
But this one has the dấu nặng, the strong tone, so it has to be down and it's had to be stronger a little bit.
Em, em, em
Okay, next one is Ê, Bê, Bê, Bê.
Bê is letter B, that's how we pronounce B in Vietnamese: Bê.
Ghế, Ghế, Ghế is the chair.
Nghề, Nghề, Nghê, Nghề is a job.
Okay, next one is I, Y. Example, mì, mì, đi, đi,
đi thi, đi thi,
quý vị, quý vị means like ladies and gentlemen, so you guys can say kính thưa quý vị và các bạn.
Kính thưa quý vị và các bạn.
The letter O in Vietnamese, we have three ones.
O, Ô, Ơ. O, O, O, To, to, to.
Next one: Lo, lo, lo.
okay, the next O is Ô, Ô, for example ô tô, ô tô, ô tô.
Ơ, ơ, ơ, for example mơ, mơ, mơ.
Another one is thơ, thơ, thơ. U,u, u mùa thu, mùa thu, mùa thu.
vũ trụ, vũ rẹu, vũ trụ.
The second U letter is Ư, Ư, Ư.
Alright, in example hư, hư, the letter thư,thư.
How does it feel? Is it confusing or too difficult?
But I hope that you have an overview about Vietnamese vowels today and I think that we're gonna see each other soon in the video which talks about Vietnamese consonants.
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Please like and share the video if you like it and I hope to see you soon next time.
Bye bye.

