Okay, now it's your turn. |
Do you remember how to say “How do you say this?” |
Bạn nói cái này như thế nào? |
Now imagine it's the word 'giraffe." Do you remember how to say "giraffe?" |
hươu cao cổ, hươu cao cổ |
Say "It's 'giraffe.'" |
Đó là "hươu cao cổ." |
Now answer the question saying "It's 'giraffe.'" |
Bạn nói cái này như thế nào? |
Đó là "hươu cao cổ." |
Now imagine it's the word 'travel." Do you remember how to say "travel?" |
du lịch, du lịch |
Say "It's 'travel.'" |
Đó là "du lịch." |
Now answer the question saying "It's 'travel." |
Bạn nói cái này như thế nào? |
Đó là "du lịch." |
Now imagine it's the word 'invasion." Do you remember how to say "invasion?" |
sự xâm lăng, sự xâm lăng |
Say "It's 'invasion.'" |
Đó là "sự xâm lăng." |
Now answer the question saying "It's 'invasion.'" |
Bạn nói cái này như thế nào? |
Đó là "sự xâm lăng." |
In this lesson, you learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use in your everyday life to ask someone how something is said. |
You are now able to ask how to say something like a native speaker! |
See you in the next lesson! |
Bye! |