Xin chào, tôi là Giang. Hi everybody! I’m Giang. |
Welcome to’s “3 phút học tiếng Việt”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Vietnamese. |
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb làm which means "to do" in Vietnamese. |
In this lesson, we will learn how to use thích, which means “to like”. |
Imagine you are in a restaurant with your Vietnamese friend and he or she asks you- Bạn có thích phở Việt Nam không? |
This means "Do you like Vietnamese rice noodles?" |
So supposing you do like this dish, you can say Có, tôi rất thích phở Việt Nam. |
So let’s break down this answer. |
Có is simply "Yes." |
tôi means “I” |
After that comes rất, meaning “very” |
Then the main verb thích, which means “to like”. |
Finally, we had phở Việt Nam -- the very popular Vietnamese rice noodles |
So altogether it is Có, tôi rất thích phở Việt Nam. |
Note that in Vietnamese, if you want to express that you like something, simply add it after the verb thích. |
For example: |
Tôi thích màu đỏ. I like the color red. |
Tôi thích tiếng Anh. I like English. |
Tôi thích hoa hồng. I like roses. |
You can also use this verb to say that you like someone. |
For example, a man telling a woman that he likes her in Vietnamese is: |
Anh thích em. |
Anh means “I” and refers to the man in the relationship. |
Thích, as we have learned, is “to like” |
Em means “you” and refers to the woman in the relationship. |
If a woman says this to a man, the pronouns will change positions: |
Em thích anh. |
Again, if you want to say “I like you” in Vietnamese and you’re a man, it will be: |
Anh thích em. |
In contrast, if you’re a woman: |
Em thích anh. |
The verb thích can also be used to express that you like doing something. To do that, add another verb phrase indicating that activity right after the word thích. No change in the form of the verbs is needed. |
For example: |
Tôi thích xem phim. I like watching movies |
Tôi thích ăn cá. I like eating fish. |
Tôi thích học tiếng Anh. I like learning English. |
Tôi thích đi du lịch. I like travelling. |
Now it’s time for Giang’s Insights. |
In Vietnamese, the verbs “to like” and “to love” express different levels of emotions. “To love” in Vietnamese is yêu and it shows stronger passion for someone or something. However, thích can be followed by a noun or a verb, while yêu can only used with a noun. So, Vietnamese people can't say Tôi yêu xem phim, which means “I love watching movies”. Instead, they say Tôi thích xem phim. |
So how would you say “I love you” in Vietnamese? |
A man would say to a woman Anh yêu em. |
And a woman would say to a man Em yêu anh. But remember that you can only say this in a romantic relationship, not to your family members. |
In this lesson, we learned how to use the verb thích to express your likes. |
Next time we’ll learn another very useful verb, đến. |
Do you know what this means? I’ll be waiting for you in the next 3 phút học tiếng Việt lesson. |
Tạm biệt! |