
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hey there! I’m Brandon and welcome back to VietnamesePod101.com. This is lower beginner Season 1, Lesson 18 - Interviewing for a Job at a Big Vietnamese Company.
Huyen: Xin chào! I’m Huyen.
Brandon: In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about dates. The conversation takes place on the phone, and is between Chi and Tú.
Huyen: The speakers are strangers, so they'll be using formal Vietnamese.
Brandon: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Chi: A lô, xin hỏi có phải anh Tú không ạ?
Tú: Vâng tôi đây.
Chi: Chào anh, tôi thuộc phòng nhân sự công ty Mobifone. Hồ sơ xin việc của anh đã được duyệt. Tôi gọi điện để hẹn ngày phỏng vấn
Tú: Ồ thế ạ? Cảm ơn chị. Xin chị cho biết ngày giờ ạ?
Chi: Anh có thể đến vào 2 giờ chiều ngày 15 tháng 6 không?
Tú: Được ạ. Tôi sẽ đến đúng giờ.
Chi: Cảm ơn anh. Hẹn gặp lại anh.
Tú: Cảm ơn chị. Chào chị.
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Chi: A lô, xin hỏi có phải anh Tú không ạ?
Tú: Vâng tôi đây.
Chi: Chào anh, tôi thuộc phòng nhân sự công ty Mobifone. Hồ sơ xin việc của anh đã được duyệt. Tôi gọi điện để hẹn ngày phỏng vấn
Tú: Ồ thế ạ? Cảm ơn chị. Xin chị cho biết ngày giờ ạ?
Chi: Anh có thể đến vào 2 giờ chiều ngày 15 tháng 6 không?
Tú: Được ạ. Tôi sẽ đến đúng giờ.
Chi: Cảm ơn anh. Hẹn gặp lại anh.
Tú: Cảm ơn chị. Chào chị.
Brandon: now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Chi: A lô, xin hỏi có phải anh Tú không ạ?
Brandon: Hello, is Mr. Tu speaking?
Tú: Vâng tôi đây.
Brandon: Yes, speaking.
Chi: Chào anh, tôi thuộc phòng nhân sự công ty Mobifone. Hồ sơ xin việc của anh đã được duyệt. Tôi gọi điện để hẹn ngày phỏng vấn
Brandon: Hi, I'm from the HR department of Mobifone company. Your job application has been approved. I'm calling to make an appointment for an interview.
Tú: Ồ thế ạ? Cảm ơn chị. Xin chị cho biết ngày giờ ạ?
Brandon: Oh really? Thank you. Could you please let me know the time and date?
Chi: Anh có thể đến vào 2 giờ chiều ngày 15 tháng 6 không?
Brandon: Can you come at 2 pm on June 15?
Tú: Được ạ. Tôi sẽ đến đúng giờ.
Brandon: That's fine. I'll be on time.
Chi: Cảm ơn anh. Hẹn gặp lại anh.
Brandon: Thank you. See you again.
Tú: Cảm ơn chị. Chào chị.
Brandon: Thank you. Goodbye.
Brandon: Huyen, what's Mobifone? Is it a big company?
Huyen: It is! Mobifone is the second biggest telecommunications company in Vietnam. It’s not easy to get a job there. That’s why our speaker, Mr. Tú, is so happy when he's invited to have an interview.
Brandon: I see. As far as I know, Vietnam has quite a low unemployment rate - only about two percent of the population currently. Is it easy to find a job there?
Huyen: The low unemployment rate is due to the fact that half of the population works in agriculture, and the majority of the employed work in the non-official economy. So most of them basically have a job but it's not stable and well-paid.
Brandon: Which major or field of study is the easiest to get a good job with?
Huyen: Information technology, accounting, the police service, airlines, English and other languages.
Brandon: Very interesting. Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Brandon: The first word we shall see is:
Huyen: a lô [natural native speed]
Brandon: hello (to answer the phone)
Huyen: a lô [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: a lô [natural native speed]
Huyen: phòng [natural native speed]
Brandon: department, division
Huyen: phòng [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: phòng [natural native speed]
Huyen: nhân sự [natural native speed]
Brandon: human resources (HR)
Huyen: nhân sự [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: nhân sự [natural native speed]
Huyen: hồ sơ xin việc [natural native speed]
Brandon: job application document
Huyen: hồ sơ xin việc [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: hồ sơ xin việc [natural native speed]
Huyen: duyệt [natural native speed]
Brandon: to approve
Huyen: duyệt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: duyệt [natural native speed]
Huyen: phỏng vấn [natural native speed]
Brandon: interview, to interview
Huyen: phỏng vấn [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: phỏng vấn [natural native speed]
Huyen: cho biết [natural native speed]
Brandon: to tell, to let someone know
Huyen: cho biết [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: cho biết [natural native speed]
Huyen: ngày giờ [natural native speed]
Brandon: date and time
Huyen: ngày giờ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: ngày giờ [natural native speed]
And Last:
Huyen: đúng giờ [natural native speed]
Brandon: punctual, on time
Huyen: đúng giờ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Huyen: đúng giờ [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we have is…
Huyen: hồ sơ xin việc
Brandon: "job application document."
Huyen: This is a noun phrase derived from the words “hồ sơ”, which means “dossier" or "record,” and “xin việc,” meaning “to apply for a job”. “Hồ sơ” itself can be combined with other phrases to describe different types of documents. The phrases indicating the types of documents are put right after “hồ sơ”.
Brandon: Here’s an example...
Huyen: hồ sơ dự thi
Brandon: "exam application dossier"
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Huyen: The second word is phỏng vấn
Brandon: Which means "Interview." It can be a noun or a verb.
Huyen: As a noun, it goes with the classifier “cuộc” or “buổi”. “An interview” is “một cuộc phỏng vấn” or “một buổi phỏng vấn”.
Brandon: Let’s hear some examples.
Huyen: Cô ấy đang phỏng vấn Lan.
Brandon: "She's interviewing Lan."
Huyen: Giám đốc đang phỏng vấn cô ấy.
Brandon: "The director is interviewing her."
Huyen: Anh ấy đang phỏng vấn ứng viên mới.
Brandon: "He's interviewing a new candidate."
Huyen: Tôi có một cuộc phỏng vấn vào thứ Sáu.
Brandon: I have an interview on Friday.
Huyen: Finally, we have cho biết.
Brandon: This literally means “to let know”.
Huyen: A pronoun or person’s name is often put between “cho” and “biết” to mean “let someone know” or “tell someone”. “Cho biết” can be used “as is” without any pronoun in between.
Brandon: In this case, it means “to state”. This verb is quite formal. Its informal synonyms are …
Huyen: bảo
Brandon: "to tell"
Huyen: and “nói”
Brandon: "to say"
Huyen: For example, Có thông tin mới thì cho tôi biết nhé.
Brandon: “Please let me know if there’s any new information.” A less informal way to say this is…
Huyen: Có thông tin mới thì bảo tôi nhé.
Brandon: "Tell me if there’s any new information." OK, that was quite a few examples. Now let's move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say dates in Vietnamese. First, let’s hear the sample sentence from the dialogue again.
Huyen: Anh có thể đến vào 2 giờ chiều ngày 15 tháng 6 không?
Brandon: “Can you come at 2 pm on June 15?”
Huyen: The date here is, Ngày 15 tháng 6. “Ngày” means “day,” and “tháng” means “month”. To say a date, start with “ngày”, followed by the number of that day, then “tháng” followed by the number of that month.
Brandon: If you want to mention the year, add…
Huyen: năm
Brandon: followed by the number indicating that year. The order is day-month-year. However, we'll only focus on saying the day and month in this lesson.
Huyen: The structure is very simple. What you need to learn is how to count the numbers.
Brandon: We did cover how to count numbers from 1 to 1 million in lessons 4 and 5 of the basic bootcamp series. In this lesson, we’ll review how to count the numbers from 1 to 31, which is relevant for the dates of the month.
Huyen: Let’s start with one to ten: Một
Brandon: "one"
Huyen: hai
Brandon: "two"
Huyen: ba
Brandon: "three"
Huyen: bốn
Brandon: "four"
Huyen: năm
Brandon: "five"
Huyen: sáu
Brandon: "six"
Huyen: bảy
Brandon: "seven"
Huyen: tám
Brandon: "eight"
Huyen: chín
Brandon: "nine"
Huyen: mười
Brandon: "ten"
Huyen: Do you remember them all? Now you already have the basics. So let’s learn the rule of forming larger numbers.
Brandon: To say “eleven”, add “one” after “ten”. For “twelve”, add “two” after “ten”. Keep following this rule, and you’ll have numbers from 11 to 19.
Huyen: mười một
Brandon: "eleven"
Huyen: mười hai
Brandon: "twelve"
Huyen: mười chín
Brandon: "nineteen."
Huyen: There’s one exception, which is “mười lăm”
Brandon: "fifteen"
Huyen: Following the matching rule, it should be “mười năm”
Brandon: "ten and five"
Huyen: However, we say “mười lăm”, so that's “lăm” instead of “năm”, or “l” instead of “n”.
Brandon: The rule stays the same, only the pronunciation changes. This rule applies to any number ending with the number five starting from fifteen. Let’s continue with numbers from 20 to 29. “Twenty” is…
Huyen: hai mươi. Basically, it's the combination of “two” - hai, and “ten” - mười. But we change the pronunciation of “mười” into “mươi”. So the tone is changed from gradual falling tone to mid-level tone. Again, hai mươi.
Brandon: To say 21 to 29, add the numbers from two to nine right after twenty. But twenty-one has a change in the tone too.
Huyen: hai mươi mốt
Brandon: Can you hear a change in the tone of number one here?
Huyen: We learned that number one is “một” -with a heavy falling tone. But here we say “mốt”- high rising tone. From twenty-one, any number ending with "one" follows the same rule. Again, hai mươi mốt
Brandon: From twenty-two to twenty-nine, we follow the rule that we mentioned earlier. Adding numbers two to nine after twenty.
Huyen: hai mươi ba
Brandon: "twenty-three."
Huyen: hai mươi lăm
Brandon: "twenty-five"
Huyen: hai mươi chín
Brandon: "twenty-nine"
Brandon: “Thirty” follows the same matching rule as twenty and thirty-one uses the same pattern as twenty-one. Can you guess how to say them?
Huyen: ba mươi
Brandon: "thirty"
Huyen: ba mươi mốt
Brandon: "thirty-one". Alright, we've learned 1 to 31, so you’ll be able to say the dates and months now. Listeners, let’s try some dates and months.
Huyen: Ngày một
Brandon: "The 1st"
Huyen: Ngày mười bốn
Brandon: "the 14th"
Huyen: Ngày hai mươi lăm
Brandon: "the 25th"
Huyen: Tháng hai
Brandon: "February"
Huyen: Tháng tám
Brandon: "August"
Huyen: Tháng mười hai
Brandon: "December"
Huyen: Please note that from day 1 to day 10 of a month, we often say “mùng” or “mồng” instead of “ngày”. For example, the 1st day is “mồng một” or “mùng một” instead of “ngày một”. The 5th day is “mồng năm” and so on. This is affected by the lunar calendar.
Brandon: Well, that’s all we have about dates and months. It was a long section, but I hope you have been able to get the gist of everything, listeners!


Brandon And that’s it for this lesson. Don’t worry if you cannot remember everything right away. Read the lesson notes carefully for a review and other detailed information. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you in the next lesson. Bye!
Brandon: Tạm biệt!


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